News & Notes

Joe Walsh Appointed to Access to Justice Task Force for the Federal Bar Association

In October, the Honorable Joseph Walsh was appointed to the newly formed Access to Justice Task Force of the Federal Bar Association (FBA). The task force is composed of a group of attorneys, judges, and other members of the legal profession who will work to promote justice throughout the federal courts and system. In addition to serving on the FBA’s task force, Joe will continue to serve as the proud chair of the Montgomery Bar Association’s Pro Bono Committee.

The attorneys at Walsh Pancio remain committed to serving their communities in order to ensure that justice is dispensed efficiently, effectively, and with the utmost equality.

Walsh Pancio, LLC Attorneys at Law

2326 N. Broad Street, Suite 200, Colmar, PA 18915  |  Phone: 215-368-8660  |  Fax: 215-368-7990