News & Notes

Walsh Pancio Attorneys Participate in the Pennsylvania Bar Association Minority Bar Committee’s Annual Diversity Summit

October 2020

On October 7, 2020, Walsh Pancio LLC was honored to participate in the Pennsylvania Bar Association Minority Bar Committee’s annual diversity summit. For the first time, the PBA/MBC partnered with the Montgomery Bar Association (MBA) to deliver a virtual day of programming dedicated to collaborative and innovative methods of promoting diversity within the profession of law and in society as a whole. The Honorable Joseph P Walsh was privileged to be a panelist in the session during the Summit entitled “Tough Talks and Crucial Action,” a series of three, candid, TED-style talks exploring the responsibilities and challenges associated with advancing diversity, equity and inclusion from a variety of perspectives. Judge Walsh, alongside his wife, Nancy O’Connor Walsh of tbdNOW, LLC, spoke of their individual and shared experiences as diversity allies both through the MBA and in their community. The panel was very well-received and appreciated by a number of attendees. Several firm attorneys also assisted as small group facilitators after Joe and Nancy’s panel. We will update this page if pictures, video, or links from the Summit become available for further viewing. Walsh Pancio congratulates the PBA/MBC and MBA on an interesting, important, and insightful programming and thanks all for the privilege of participating!

Walsh Pancio, LLC Attorneys at Law

2326 N. Broad Street, Suite 200, Colmar, PA 18915  |  Phone: 215-368-8660  |  Fax: 215-368-7990